Who We Are

Photo of Exterior of Bay Harbor Elementary

Welcome to Bay Harbor Elementary

"Home of the "Sailors"

Enrollment: 358 students

A Message from Principal, Tony Ebeling

Sailors, welcome! You are part of something special at Bay Harbor. I am entering my 11th year as the Principal of this amazing school and I am humbled and excited for you to be a part of it. My personal mission as the Principal is to cultivate a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where everyone is a leader, students can flourish, and teachers are empowered to excel. Parents are connected and the school community thrives as a whole. I believe in leading by example with passion and energy in all aspects of my role and life. “You need to get to a child’s heart, before you get to their head”, is my motto and will be the anchor of the way we work and act at Bay Harbor.

Our school mission statement follows the acronym, LIGHT: Leaders, Igniting Goals, Habits, and Talents! Everyone at Bay Harbor is a leader and has genius! These are just two of the core paradigms that are a focus of our work. The other three are: Change starts with me, Educators empower students to lead their learning, and Develop the whole person. 

Our vision in HSSD and BH is to create an Authentic, Innovative, Connected and Inspired learning experience for ALL of our students. The HSSD GRADUATE PROFILE is our North Star and guides us. Our learning around the 8 Leadership Habits will provide our students with strategies to support their ability to be empowered learners which will in turn grow their success in literacy, math and all other academic areas. Students utilize their learning/leadership portfolio throughout the year and celebrate their progress during student-led conferences two times a year. We universally use SeeSaw (on-line learning management system) to help with all of this and to be a vital connection with parents to the classroom. Parent partnership and communication is key for a successful year, and at Bay Harbor Elementary School, you can expect nothing but the best, because we will give you nothing but OUR best!

If I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Tony Ebeling, Bay Harbor Principal

Bay Harbor Facts

  • Built in 2008 and the newest of all schools in HSSD
  • Mascot: Sailor
  • Enrollment: Approx. 350
  • Number of Classroom Teachers: 20
  • School Mission Statement: LIGHT - BH Sailors are Leaders, Igniting Goals, Habits, and Talents 
  • Recess: Two fully rubberized and handicap accessible playgrounds
  • Grow Towers are situated throughout the school and the lettuce grown is used in our lunchroom


Anthony Ebeling

Anthony Ebeling

Bay Harbor

Dean of Students

Bree Meisinger

Bree Meisinger

Office Staff

Tanya Greely

Tanya Greely

Secretary-Full Year
Bay Harbor
Holly Engum

Holly Engum

Secretary-School Year (Full Time)
Bay Harbor